Web Development – Why do you need it?

Imagine expressing your thoughts, but without words…

Imagine singing a song but without lyrics…

Imagine having a conversation with someone, but without actually talking…

Doesn’t make sense right?

So how can you expect your business to grow online without actually having a website?

A website does not just act as a website for you but it is like a portfolio of your work. It should contain all the information required for your clients and customers to know beforehand.

For example, you are willing to do business with a company; you will make a presentation for your client. In the presentation, you will make sure to add all the required information about your services, some of your previous works, and your proposal. Just like that, a website is a portfolio of your work and a good website with some good website designing can help you grow your business online.

The good thing is that we got you covered in both of the aspects. For the same amazing website development, contact us.

Why trust CRAZY BUNNY for your website development?

If you are reading this, you probably own a business or planning to own one. So it’s good that you already know the importance of web development now and how it can help you grow your business.

Now you probably are just looking for someone to help you with your website development. So here we are to aid you. At Crazy Bunny, our team aims to help business owners grow in this fast-moving world.

Our experts quickly grasp all your needs and provide you with the best results. We have some amazing web developments and designs eagerly waiting for you.

As Digital marketer experts, we know how important your business is for you. So we are willing to provide you with a perfect site with the best of the codes, designs, and content.

We will not only provide you with your dream site but will also make sure that it lands within your budget.

WordPress web development

WordPress is a content management system that enables users to create and perform various tasks on their websites.

However, in order to get the most out of WordPress, you need some assistance from professionals who can create a customized website according to your requirements.

Crazy Bunny‘s website developers have such amazing WordPress designs that specialize in creating stunning and profitable websites for you.

Our stunning team of WordPress web developers will help you with the ideal CMS installation and configuration. Our website designs and development services will not only help you get a high conversion rate but also get ahead of your competition.

Nowadays in this growing world of business, no business wants to stay behind of their competitors.

Creating a better site for your users will force them to come to your site next time as well.

So why take the risk and give your competitors a chance to get ahead of you?

E-commerce websites

For every business or organization, building an e-commerce website is different. A site selling groceries cannot be completely the same as a site renting cars. Every site’s aims and requirements are different from the others.

But it is obvious that every site wants to have a high conversion rate. For achieving that aim what you need the most is to make your customer’s job easy. The more difficult and time-consuming it will be for them to use your site, the lesser will be your conversion rate.

To avoid this, our experts have some technically advanced codes and amazing WordPress designs for you.

For each and every requirement of yours, we have a definite and cost-effective solution. 

Ruby on Rails website development

Ruby on Rails (ROR) is an open-source content software that is in huge demand among developers and customers.

 Many amazing and famous websites like BasecampHEYGitHubShopifyAirbnbTwitchSoundCloudHuluZendeskSquare, and Cookpad have also chosen ROR.

It promotes the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for transferring data and the use of HTMLCSS and JavaScript for user interfacing.

With our experts’ ROR development services, your website will not only be of high quality but also creative enough to attract more audience to your site.

Along with all your other business requirements, the final result will also contain responsive integration.

 A responsive web design will allow your site to fit in all of your user’s screens and thus enhance your customer’s experience on your site.

This will further help you increase your site’s conversion rate and thus grow your business.