Social Media Calendar for July 2024 Month for every business.

Get ready for a sizzling July, Crazy Bunny fam! This month is packed with exciting festivals, cultural celebrations, and worldwide observances. So, mark your calendars, globetrotters, because we’re taking you on a whirlwind adventure across the globe!

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Fire Up the Fun: Global Festivals

  • 1st July (Canada, USA): Canada Day & Independence Day (USA): Celebrate with fireworks, parades, and vibrant cultural events as these two North American nations mark their independence.
  • 6th July (Tanzania): Nyamachoma Festival : Savor the sizzling flavors of Tanzania at this meat-lovers’ paradise!
  • 7th July (Japan): Tanabata (Star Festival): Write down your wishes on colorful strips of paper and tie them to bamboo branches for Tanabata, a beautiful Japanese tradition.
  • 14th July (France): Bastille Day : Storm the Bastille with the French! This national holiday commemorates the French Revolution with parades, fireworks, and lively celebrations.
  • 15th July (UK): Wimbledon Championships (Finals): Witness the culmination of the prestigious Wimbledon Championships, a grand slam tennis tournament.
  • 23rd July (Thailand): Esarn Rocket Festival : Blast off to Thailand for the Esarn Rocket Festival, a vibrant celebration featuring colorful rockets launched to appease the rain gods.
  • 24th July (USA): Pioneer Day : Head out West and celebrate the pioneering spirit of America on Pioneer Day!

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Important Days for the World

  • 1st July: International Doctors’ Day : Show your appreciation for the healthcare heroes who keep us healthy!
  • 11th July: World Population Day : Raise awareness about global population issues and their impact on our planet.
  • 15th July: World Youth Skills Day : Empowering the future! This day highlights the importance of equipping youth with valuable skills for the workforce.
  • 28th July: World Hepatitis Day : Spread awareness and fight against viral hepatitis, a global health concern.

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Crazy Bunny’s Bonus Picks!

  • Chocolate Day (World): July 7th : Indulge your sweet tooth and celebrate everyone’s favorite treat – chocolate!
  • International Moon Landing Day (USA): July 20th : Commemorate the giant leap for mankind – the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.


Throughout July, Crazy Bunny will be hopping around the world, sharing exciting festival stories, must-see destinations, and fun facts about these global celebrations. Follow us on social media and join the adventure!

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As we navigate through July 2024, let’s embrace the spirit of celebration and global unity. Whether attending a local event or exploring traditions from afar, each celebration offers a chance to connect with others and appreciate the vibrant diversity of our world. Let’s celebrate July with open hearts and minds, fostering a sense of community and shared humanity.